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  • 973-439-7200
December 13, 2013

Did You Know? Non-Profit Facts

Did you know?...

  • Today, nonprofit sales of goods and services to households in the U.S. amount to almost $1 trillion a year- more than 5 percent of gross domestic product.
  • The Nonprofit Governance Index found that 45 percent of nonprofit board members were women, compared with roughly 17 percent on Fortune 500 boards.
  • Organizations in this year’s NPT 100 reported total revenue of $70.067 billion, up 3.19 percent from last year, while public support was up 5.6 percent to $34.931 billion.
  • Prices in the U.S. economy went up 1.7 percent last year. College tuition rates rose 2.9 percent
  • The cost of higher education, as measured by private and public tuition, has risen at rates higher than inflation, roughly 4 percent per year for nonprofit private tuition.
  • Many taxpayers age 70 ½ or older can transfer as much as $100,000 a year directly from their IRAs to qualified charities without having to count any of that transfer as income. The transfers count toward the taxpayer’s required minimum distribution for the year.
  • In August 2013, the unemployment rate for individuals age 25 and older without a high school diploma exceeded 11 percent. Meanwhile, the rate was over 7 percent for high school graduates, compared to only 6.1 percent for individuals with some college or an associate’s degree and just 3.5 percent for those with a bachelor’s degree.
  • Although the U.K. is one of the more generous nations in Europe, just 28 percent of high-income taxpayers make charitable donations, compared with about 98 percent in the U.S.
  • The biggest hit to charities’ bottom lines in 2012 was a continued decline in government support, down 5.6 percent to 10.34 billion, but also investment income, which dipped 6.26 percent to $2.633 billion after a nice rebound in 2011.
  • Fearing changes in tax policy, contributors poured money into donor-advised funds in 2012, helping assists in those accounts climb to nearly $45.4 billion that year, according to a study released by the National Philanthropic Trust. Contributions to the funds, which allow people to set up charitable accounts, receive an immediate tax deduction and name beneficiaries later, increased 34.6 percent to top $13.7 billion.

Learn more about Smolin's Non-Profit services.

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