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December 13, 2013

FAC and DCF Update

Federal Audit Clearinghouse

Due to the federal government shutdown the Federal Audit Clearinghouse’s (FAC) projected rollout of its new updated system was delayed from its original projected date and occurred on Nov. 15. Now that the system is up and running, each user should create his/her own account using one email address. Access to the site with one shared password and report ID by multiple users is no longer permitted. If your email address is the same as in the past you will be able to access your previous submissions from 2008 through 2012. The certifying official must be identified as such in order to complete the final certification of the data collection form. The FAC has also improved the template upload options allowing for an easier upload of large amounts of data.

Data Collection Form

The 2013 data collection form (DCF) was issued in the Federal Register (FR) for a final 30-day comment period on Nov.19. The FR notice is intended to allow the public a final opportunity to review and comment on the changes made by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in response to the previous round of public comments received on the DCF. Comments on the new DCF were due on Dec. 19.

Since the 2013 DCF is still not available for use the OMB has granted an extension until Jan. 31, 2014, for filing the DCF for a single audit for a fiscal period ending in 2013 where the DCF is due before the final form is available. This extension is automatic and there is no approval required. The extension applies on to single audits for fiscal periods ending in 2013. This 2013 DCF submission waiver language is posted on the FAC website.

By Smolin

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