• 10 Waterview Blvd, Suite 300, Parsippany, NJ 07054
  • Monday-Friday 9am - 5:30pm
  • 973-439-7200
July 11, 2018
Can you trust your business’s bookkeeper?

The bookkeeper is one of any company’s most trusted employees. Unfortunately, that trust isn’t always deserved. Bookkeepers — particularly those in small and midsize businesses — are ideally positioned to embezzle from their employers. Less means more When bookkeepers go bad, there are plenty of ways for them to steal without alerting owners to irregularities. […]

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July 11, 2018
4 estate planning techniques for blended families

Today, it’s not unusual for a family to include children from prior marriages. These “blended” families can create estate planning complications that may lead to challenges in the courts after your death. Fortunately, you can reduce the chances of family squabbles by using estate planning techniques designed to preserve wealth for your heirs in the […]

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July 11, 2018
3 ways to supercharge your supervisors

The attitudes and behaviors of your people managers play a critical role in your company’s success. When your managers are putting forth their best effort, the more likely it is that you’ll, in turn, get the best performances out of the rest of your employees. Here are three ways to supercharge your supervisors: 1. Transform […]

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July 11, 2018
3 keys to a successful accounting system upgrade

Technology is tricky. Much of today’s software is engineered so well that it will perform adequately for years. But new and better features are being created all the time. And if you’re not getting as much out of your financial data as your competitors are, you could be at a disadvantage. For these reasons, it […]

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July 11, 2018
Don’t let collaborative arrangements cause financial reporting headaches

Businesses often enter into so-called “collaborative arrangements” when they partner with another entity on a major project. Unfortunately, the current guidance for these types of arrangements under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is somewhat vague. Here are some questions that may arise as participants report shared costs and revenue on their income statements, along […]

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July 11, 2018
Sale Taxes - Where Does Your State Stand in the Wake of Wayfair?

On June 21, 2018, The U.S. Supreme Court, with a 5-4 majority, overruled the 1992 Quill physical presence nexus requirement for the collection of state sales taxes. The Court offered an answer in its stead:  States have broad authority to require online retailers to collect sales taxes, using an economic nexus as their guide. In […]

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July 2, 2018

Governor Murphy Signs New Jersey Budget Late in the evening of July 1, Governor Murphy signed the fiscal year 2019 budget after long negotiations with state legislators. Because the budget was passed at the eleventh hour, much of it has not been assembled into readable form and experts are still deciphering some of the details, […]

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June 28, 2018
Make sure repairs to tangible property were actually repairs before you deduct the cost

Repairs to tangible property, such as buildings, machinery, equipment or vehicles, can provide businesses a valuable current tax deduction — as long as the so-called repairs weren’t actually “improvements.” The costs of incidental repairs and maintenance can be immediately expensed and deducted on the current year’s income tax return. But costs incurred to improve tangible […]

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June 28, 2018
Your responsibility for fraudulent credit or debit card charges

If someone steals your credit or debit card — or just your account number — and uses it to make purchases, will your card company hold you liable? The answer may depend on the type of card, whether the physical card is still in your possession and when you alert the card issuer. Credit cards […]

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